Frequently Asked Questions

[accordion accordion_type=”toggle” ]
[accordion_item caption=”How would my Adelman benefit by promoting an overseas business exchange journey?#8221;]

Many adelman leaders have found that by offering a travel program, it has brought additional enthusiasm for their adelman for both existing members and new members. It allows for you and your staff to spend additional time with your members at the travel meetings as well as while traveling. It’s a fact, you will create excitement within the adelman members, and gain new members.

[accordion_item caption=”Is there a fundraising component to better benefit my members?#8221;]
Item 2
[accordion_item caption=”Can I travel with my group and not impact the Adelman financially?#8221;]
Item 2
[accordion_item caption=”How would I promote the trip?#8221;]
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[accordion_item caption=”What are the best times to travel?#8221;]
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[accordion_item caption=”Can you tell me more about the travel experience?#8221;]
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[accordion_item caption=”What Marketing Assistance is available?#8221;]
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[accordion_item caption=”What do I do next to get started?#8221;]
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